Thursday, 20 September 2012


Hello and Welcome.

Firstly a little bit about me as its always nice to get to know the artist behind the work I think. In 1997 I left Cheshire and joined the Royal Air Force as a professional photographer after deciding I no longer wanted to work with computers (I know the irony of it still gets me each day!). 

Over the 12 years I was a member of the RAF I was lucky enough to travel the world either on detachments or postings and it opened my eyes to how beautiful each corner of our world really is and how it should be recorded. At the time my main roles were Press and PR photography and I never really appreciated how photography could be an art form, I suppose countless 'grip and grins' didn't really fill me with creativity!

In 2003 I was posted to Headquarters Strike Command and started work on the Command Video Team as part of the Command Graphics Unit. All of a sudden I was involved in multimedia in the forms of graphic design, photography, video production and animations to say it awakened a passion inside of me would be an understatement.

The age of digital was also firmly upon the photography trade and with it Photoshop that brought the endless hours of darkroom work into the lightrooms of the office. No longer did I need to spend hours waiting on films to process and test prints, I could download and be editing the images within minutes. This further spurred on my creativity and I joined the British Professional Photographers Associate and started to enter my work into their awards where I started to refine my skills and see photography as it really is, one of the great art forms of the 20th and 21st century.

Posted in 2006 to Cornwall I enjoyed countless hours of exploring the wealth of countryside and small towns it had to offer, the sunsets that blew my mind and the old ways that have long been forgotten in the cities. It was and still is one of the most magical times of my life and one day I hope to go back to live.

These days I live back Cheshire, after spending sometime in Bristol and hope to share with you all my work that I have done and new work that I plan to do. I will also be sharing some hints and tips I picked up along the way.

So if you want to keep up to date subscribe and I will see you soon with my next post.

Take care


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